We are accepting submissions for issue three!
A Sufferer's Digest is accepting submissions for its third issue. A Sufferer's Digest is inspired by modern gothic literature and regional stories. Think A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor for Southern gothic or A Simple Plan by Scott Smith for Midwest gothic. Additionally, we will take stories with a gothic styling. Think the setting of There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury. Before submitting, it would be a good idea to look at our issues for what we are looking for. Our current submission cap is at 400, and we will otherwise close on February 28th.
Please make sure that your documents are in a standard font such as Times New Roman or Courier and a reasonable font size. Do not submit anything written by AI, that is not our vibe. Be a good person, do not submit anything hateful. Please only submit once per submission call. Simultaneous submissions are okay, please withdraw them as soon as possible if accepted elsewhere. We do not take reprints.
Fiction: We accept stories up to 5000 words. Please submit only one story.
Drama: For plays, any professional format is acceptable. Please only submit ten minute plays.
Poetry: Please submit up to six poems. Separate documents are preferred, but not required.
When accepted, you grant us First North American Serial Rights. If your work is not published four months after acceptance, we will automatically relinquish the rights back to you. If accepted, we pay contributors $3.00 and will ask for a PayPal address to send it to.